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John Hoyland

Four Trajectories after John Hoyland 

for String Quartet

Music written after late paintings by John Hoyland exhibited at the Tate St Ives show in 2006.


On 8 March 2007, the composer’s string quartet, Four Trajectories after John Hoyland, was premiered by The Kreutzer Quartet at The Priory Church of Saint Bartholomew the Great, London. It has also been performed by the Coull Quartet at the Pallant House Gallery, and by the Kreutzer Quartet at a Royal Society event at the Royal Academy of Music, at Tate St Ives, and at the South London Gallery.


Below are excerpts from the studio recording of Four Trajectories after John Hoyland performed by the Kreutzer Quartet (Peter Sheppard Skærved, Mihailo Trandafilovski, Morgan Goff, and Neil Heyde), recorded by Jonathan Haskell, Astounding Sounds.


Photograph by Richard Bram, Elegy for Terry Frost © the artist 

Quas - Excerpt - Jim Aitchison, Kreutzer Quartet
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Black Something - Excerpt - Jim Aitchison, Kreutzer Quartet
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Yellow Boat - Excerpt - Jim Aitchison, Kreutzer Quartet
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Elegy for Terry Frost - Exceprt - Jim Aitchison, Kreutzer Quartet
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